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First responders are alerted via Momentum in 20 out of 26 cantons 

Swiss Cantons


Swiss Cantons

Download the Momentum app for your Canton below

Do you have a BLS-AED certificate and want to become a first responder? Download the Momentum app for your canton and register.


In this canton, our mobile app is used by First Responders+. If you want to become one, contact

In this canton, our mobile app is used by First Responders+. If you want to become one, contact

In this canton, our mobile app is used by First Responders+. If you want to become one, contact

Canton Schwyz (Bezirk Küssnacht)

Graziana, central operator FCTSA Tessin

“Quello in cui trovo che Momentum dia tantissimo è quando l’ambulanza è molto lontana, quindi ci vuole tanto tempo prima che arrivi sul luogo e le persone che hanno chiamato sono in difficoltà e non riescono a fare niente, quindi prima arriva l’aiuto (il first responder o il rapid responder) prima riusciamo a fare qualcosa. Questa è una bellissima soddisfazione. Momentum in questo caso ci aiuta veramente tanto!”

 "I find that when our ambulances have long journey times, Momentum is very useful for our patients, for whom there is no other help. With Momentum, we can have help arrive more quickly (first responder or rapid responder), which gives us the opportunity to help patients faster. This is great satisfaction. Momentum really helps us so much!"


Dispatcher FCTSA, Tessin

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